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Every Mickle Mek a Muckle

Our Mek A Muckle grants offer up to $500,000 in funding for small projects to assist registered community-based groups.
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Inspired by the timeless Jamaican adage, "every mickle me a muckle,", our Mek A Muckle grants aim to transform small contributions into significant impacts within our communities. The Digicel Foundation provides funding for various programmes and projects related to:

Youth Development

Projects aimed at empowering and nurturing the potential of young people, including mentorship programmes, leadership training, and youth-focused initiatives to foster personal and professional growth.

Skills Training for Job Readiness

Initiatives focused on equipping individuals with essential skills and knowledge to enter the workforce successfully. This category may include vocational training, entrepreneurship programmes, and career development workshops.

Environmental Sustainability Projects

Projects aimed at conserving natural resources, mitigating climate change impacts, and promoting eco-friendly practices. Projects in this category may involve reforestation efforts, waste management programmes, and community gardens.

Resources for Education

Funding to improve educational outcomes and opportunities for learners of all ages. This could encompass projects such as school infrastructure improvements (fencing etc.), access to educational materials (computer, printer, etc.), and teacher/ student training programmes.

Special Needs Support

Projects aimed at enhancing inclusivity and accessibility for individuals with Special Needs. This may include funding for assistive technologies, specialised training for caregivers, and initiatives to promote the rights and dignity of people with disabilities.

Other community-based activities

Other initiatives that uplift marginalized communities and promote inclusive development.

Funding Guidelines

We encourage groups to complete all mandatory sections and review the necessary Funding Guidelines before submitting applications.

Applications can be submitted on this website by clicking the 'Apply for a Mek a Muckle Grant' button.
Our focus areas include youth development, skills training, environmental sustainability, quality education and ICT development and support to persons with Special Needs.
Our grants target registered not-for-profit groups and social enterprises. We don’t typically award individual grants or scholarships. If your organisation is not registered with the Companies Office of Jamaica, we encourage you to submit proof of registration with the Council for Voluntary Social Services, RADA, SDC, the Ministry of Education and Youth or other professional organisations.
Individuals seeking assistance for personal reasons, this includes scholarships; sectarian or religious organisations whose services are limited to members of one religious group; religious programmes; endowment funds, development campaigns or funds directed towards deficit reduction or operating reserves; fundraising events or sponsorships (walk/run, golf tournaments, sports teams, tickets, tables, benefits, raffles, souvenir programmes, advertising, fundraising dinners, etc.); trips: conferences; seminars; festivals; one-day events (unless they are part of an approved programme activity); documentaries, videos or research projects/programmes (unless this can be shown to align with the Foundation’s funding objectives and criteria directly; trust funds; organisations that channel the funds received to third parties and organisations formed to combat specific diseases and or conduct medical research.
Organisations can apply for grants of up to $500,000 for a Mek A Muckle grant.

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Digicel Foundation | Jamaica

Discover how Digicel Foundation is transforming communities through impactful projects. Join us in making a difference today. Learn about our initiatives, get involved, and support our mission for positive social change